By Edwin Kelley
In 2010 when Mingyur Rinpoche visited Minneapolis, we supplied him with brushes, ink and paper and asked him to create some calligraphy. Little did we know that it would unleash a creative whirlwind. Rinpoche produced over 50 works of art, many of which could only be described as unconventional. Tergar is auctioning two of these precious pieces to help support the activities of our Meditation Community.
To bid on either of two unique priceless treasures please scroll down and click on the images or captions below.
It is now nearly two years since Mingyur Rinpoche left his monastery to go on retreat. I was so happy to read the letter that he sent late last year, and to know that he is safe and healthy and that his practice is going well. I know that he has undertaken this unusual endeavor so that we will all benefit from the fruits of his practice. We are truly blessed to know such a dedicated, inspiring person.

Meanwhile the Tergar Meditation Community continues to grow in his absence, with many groups around the world coming together regularly to study and practice in accordance with Mingyur Rinpoche's vision. Our online Tergar Learning Community has nearly 4,500 members and now offers a wealth of audio, video and written material, a number of lively discussion forums, and Joy of Living meditation workshops. Anyone with access to the internet can now benefit from Rinpoche's clear and direct teachings. Qualified meditation instructors continue to lead Joy of Living meditation workshops and residential practice retreats for both Joy of Living and Path of Liberation students. We truly have taken to heart Rinpoche's parting instructions; 'The best way to support me while I'm in retreat is to practice what I have taught you'.
We are extremely fortunate to have been given this treasure of remarkable teachings. We are also blessed to have a community of dedicated practitioners who ceaselessly volunteer their time and effort. We are further blessed to enjoy the generous support of so many organizations and individuals like you.
We ask for your continued support. We must continue to make available all the wonderful teachings that Mingyur Rinpoche has left for us, and to build a stable foundation for the teachings he will offer when he returns. We will only be able to do this with your continued support. Please consider making a one-time or monthly sustaining donation. Your tax-deductible donation, large or small, will go a long way towards bringing Mingyur Rinpoche's compassionate vision to life, allowing us to share the practice of meditation with the world.
If you would like to make a donation to support the Tergar Community please click here.
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