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Praying for World Peace


A Message from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Dear Friends, Community Members and Fellow Meditators,

The suffering of the world and all sentient beings holds no boundaries. Many of you are still challenged by the reality of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and now, to add to this struggle, we are witnessing, and many of you may be experiencing firsthand, the war in Ukraine. I have many students both in Ukraine and Russia and I know they are in great distress. This anguish is reverberating across the world.

In response to all this suffering, we here, at Osel Ling, are holding daily pujas, praying for a swift resolution of this conflict and world peace. We pray for both Ukrainian and Russian people and for all of Europe and the world. As we open our hearts to this suffering, we must do so with great compassion and wisdom, recalling our fundamental basic goodness, interdependence and inter-connection. Each part of the world, like parts of the human body, must work in harmony in order to create a lasting peace. Wisdom tells us to set aside all thoughts of separateness, all forms of polarization and come together in love and compassion to support one another in prayer, meditation and in whatever individual or collective actions are possible, to bring an end to this conflict. I ask that you do so with hearts wide open, not turning away from this suffering.


Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

March 11, 2022

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