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Personal Retreat Resources

The tradition of leaving behind worldly concerns for a time to engage our meditation practice in retreat is a tradition that has been honored in all contemplative traditions for centuries. Retreat practice is the very heart of the Buddhist tradition, all the way back to the Buddha himself. The more we know of the nature of retreat, the depth of experience that is brought forth in retreat and of the lives of the many noble men and women throughout the ages whose example inspire us and guide us to this day, the easier it is for us to follow in their footsteps.

Mingyur Rinpoche on the Importance of Retreat


Tim Olmsted on the Practice of Retreat

In these opening remarks from a Tergar Portland summer retreat, Senior Tergar Instructor Tim Olmsted reflects on the possibility of authentic experience arising from practice in retreat. (16 minutes)

Download audio (Right click, save as)

List of Retreat Locations for Personal Retreat

This list of locations where you can do personal retreat was compiled from community input, and is provided as a resource to the community for information purposes.

Download the list of Retreat Locations [pdf]

Retreat Schedules

Download a suggested daily Retreat Schedule [pdf]

If you want to do a half day retreat and are using any of the sample schedules, we suggest that you use the schedule and start in the morning and practice until lunch, or if you start after lunch, follow the schedule until bedtime.

May 1, 2017

1 responses on "Personal Retreat Resources"

  1. Great resources on retreat preparation. This is my first time accessing this resource and it will be also my first time attending the online retreat session this weekend Dec 16 to 18 with Mingyur Rinpoche and the Sangha, community. Thank you!

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