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Mahamudra: Exploring the Nature of Mind

The Mahamudra Course is included as part of your Vajrayana Online subscription for those who meet the requirements.

Enjoy this short excerpt from the Mahamudra Course by Mingyur Rinpoche

Course Overview

Mahamudra is considered the most profound and direct path to awakening in the Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism. This lineage of practical instructions helps us to experience the radiant purity of awareness and to stabilize this experience and integrate it with every aspect of our lives. For centuries, teachings on Mahamudra have been passed down by some of Tibet’s greatest masters, including Milarepa and Gampopa.

In this course, we will learn the most important principles and practices of the Mahamudra tradition. Our journey will be based on important texts from the Mahamudra lineage and video teachings from Mingyur Rinpoche on key points of nature of mind practice. The course will also include live webinars with Mingyur Rinpoche and Tergar instructors, discussion forums, an extensive Mahamudra workbook to deepen understanding and experience, and a range of other resources for study and practice.

In the first three modules of the course, we progress from the essential meaning of Mahamudra to the practices of Mahamudra shamatha and vipashyana. In the last two modules, we will explore the nature of mind, the unfolding of experience along the path, and the stages of realization.

Throughout the course, we return to three familiar points of reference: understanding the view, gaining experience through meditation, and the application of our practice in everyday life. The discussion questions, reflection exercises, and meditation suggestions offered in the Mahamudra course workbook are designed to help you deepen your experience and understanding in these three areas.

What is included in this course?

  • Weekly audio and video teachings from Mingyur Rinpoche, with video subtitles and transcripts
  • Weekly readings on the practice of Mahamudra
  • Weekly audio introductions from Senior Tergar Instructors
  • Two webinars each month with Tergar Instructors and Mingyur Rinpoche when his teaching schedule permits
  • Optional personal practice interviews with the Tergar Instructors
  • A range of resources for Mahamudra, including additional teachings, practice workbooks, and more
  • A forum to discuss practice and ask questions

How much does it cost?

The Mahamudra Course and other courses in Vajrayana Online are included as part of your monthly subscription to Vajrayana Online for as long as you remain subscribed. Visit Vajrayana Online to learn more.

What will I need for this course?

The core texts for the Mahamudra Course are:

  • Clarifying the Natural State by Takpo Tashi Namgyal
  • Crystal Clear by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche

Supplementary texts, used throughout the course:

  • Moonbeams of Mahamudra, by By Dakpo Tashi Namgyal
    Translated by Elizabeth M. Callahan
  • Essentials of Mahamudra, by Thrangu Rinpoche

Once you've completed your subscription, you will see further information and links for book purchases on the course homepage.

How do I participate?

The Mahamudra Course is open to those who have received both ngondro transmission and pointing-out instructions from a qualified lineage holder of either the Kagyu or Nyingma traditions. Tergar students receive these instructions and transmissions at in-person Tergar Path of Liberation retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche, Khenpo Kunga, or Lama Trinley.

The requirements for participation were set in consultation with Mingyur Rinpoche. In turn, we ask that you honor them. Thank you!

For questions about the qualifications please contact [email protected].

If you meet these qualifications and subscribe to the Vajrayana Online program, you can access this Mahamudra Course as part of your subscription.

In order to subscribe to Vajrayana Online, you must first be a member of Tergar Learning Community.

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Subscribe to Vajrayana Online

Your subscription includes access to our current live course, to our full library of self-paced courses, weekly live sessions, webinars, personal interviews with Tergar Guides, and much more.
We aim to make Vajrayana Online accessible to everyone, which is why we provide three different pricing options. Feel free to choose the one that best suits your needs.

You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged.
For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.

You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged.
For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.