Join Mingyur Rinpoche as he kicks off the new transmission with Buddhist Psychology: Mind Explained. REGISTER FREE!.

Opening the Heart: Joy of Living 2


The more clearly we see things as they are, the more willing and able we become to open our hearts toward others. When we recognize that others experience pain and unhappiness because they don’t recognize their true nature, we’re spontaneously moved by a profound wish for them to experience the same sense of peace and clarity that we’ve begun to know.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Registration is closed for the Fall 2019 Opening the Heart course

Tergar is launching an updated Joy of Living online meditation training program.

The revamped training features new videos from Mingyur Rinpoche, new guided meditations from Rinpoche and the Tergar Instructors, a reformatted course structure that you can follow at your own pace, and a mobile and web app to track your sessions and support your practice. Our purpose is that this update – with fresh teachings and practice tools – will enable more people, everywhere, to have access to a program to make meditation a daily habit in their lives.

The Joy of Living online meditation training offers step-by-step instructions that will benefit those new to meditation and inspire those who have an existing practice.

With a monthly subscription, you get access to new lessons and meditation training every week. Learn more...

Our new Joy of Living program encompasses the same three progressive levels:

1. CALMING THE MIND – available now
In the first level, you will discover how awareness meditation can be used to create a peaceful mind and a joyful heart. Awareness meditation allows us to use any situation or experience, even difficult emotions and physical pain, as a gateway to inner peace.

Our course is so radically different, that you might want to consider taking our Joy of Living 1 online course again, even if you have already taken previous Joy of Living courses (online or in-person).

Join now.

2. OPENING THE HEART – available May 2020
In the second level, you will experience how meditating on love, compassion, joy, and equanimity can open our hearts to the world around us and decrease the self-fixation that lies at the root of suffering.

3. AWAKENING WISDOM: available November 2020
In the third level, you will receive guidance on the practice of insight meditation, a profound form of meditation that uproots the causes of anxiety and suffering.

Learn more about the new Joy of Living meditation program here:

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