In September 2010 Mingyur Rinpoche was in Europe nearing the end of a seven-month teaching schedule that had taken him to three continents and over twenty cities. In two weeks he would leave Europe for India, it would be the last time he would teach in the west before leaving for his long retreat. Thoughts of his students and how they could sustain their practice during his long absence was clearly on his mind. In a conversation with some of his students Rinpoche began to expound on the benefits of the Internet. Most people now had access even in remote areas. It was the perfect tool for many people to gain access to his teachings and a great way to enable his students to stay connected no matter where they were on the globe.
Rinpoche’s fertile mind quickly imagined a site that would provide a vast library of audio and video teaching. It would also offer quality instruction from the Joy of Living curriculum on how to meditate, as well as lessons in basic Buddhist studies. It would be a forum to post news from time to time that would be of interest to his students. Then finally, and this is where Rinpoche got really excited, it would offer a place where his students could log on and interact with each other, discuss their practice, ask questions, and share their meditation experience.
Rinpoche became so enthusiastic about this endeavor he decided to pledge $50,000 to the project, money that had generously been given to him by his students as he traveled and taught throughout the world in the previous months.
This vision was the beginning of what is now known as the Tergar Leaning Community, or what we affectionately refer to as TLC. After many hours of volunteer time and months of development, TLC was launched in the last week of 2011, just in time for the New Year.
In the four months since then over 20,000 people have visited TLC. There are currently more than 2,000 active members who regularly participate in the courses and discussion groups. The Introduction to Meditation course that is freely offered is proving to be very popular, as are Mingyur Rinpoche’s monthly video teachings. In March we offered our first six-week Joy of Living level 1 program lead by Tergar meditation instructor Tim Olmsted. Within ten days of announcing the retreat 80 people from twelve countries had registered. The course included two opportunities to participate in an online webinar in which Tim answered questions and gave instruction. From the comments of the participants it would seem that Mingyur Rinpoche is just as effective a teacher over the Internet, as he is in person.
We are very happy with the initial success of the Tergar Learning Community and invite you to join us. Nonetheless, this is just the beginning. Much more audio and video material will be added to the library and more online Joy of Living and Buddhist studies programs are in the works. So far this wonderful resource has been made possible by the generous support of many people who have contributed financially or freely offered many hours of their time. However, we need your continued support. Please consider making a one-time donation or a monthly sustaining donation. Your tax-deductible donation, large or small, will help us fulfill Mingyur Rinpoche's vision.
Top Ten Reasons to Visit Tergar Learning Community
1. Experience a Moment of Awareness
2. Take the free online Intro to Meditation class*
3. Download guided meditations and play them on your iPod, iPhone or Android device
4. Watch Mingyur Rinpoche’s monthly teachings online*
5. Discuss your practice questions in an online forum*
6. Keep in touch with your Tergar friends around the world*
7. Find meditation book lists
8. Read news and articles from the Tergar community
9. Take a Joy of Living Class (the first one just finished and a new one will start in the fall)
10. Support Mingyur Rinpoche’s vision by registering or making a donation
* Requires Registration
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