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2012 New Year’s Greeting from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

By Mingyur Rinpoche 3 minutes
Mingyur Rinpoche recorded this New Year's greeting shortly before he wandered into to the Himalayas to spend a number of years meditating in solitary retreat.

1 responses on "2012 New Year's Greeting from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche"

  1. How personal and deeply caring of Rinpoche to think ahead to the New Year and make a special surprise message to
    each of us and all of us! As always his gentle, caring presence and crisp message go right to the heart of life, inspiring,
    motivating, reminding, encouraging and returning my attention to the core of this extraordinary relationship. Lama Khyeno,
    may all your physical needs be met, may any and all obstacles be removed and may this lineage of extraordinary spiritual
    beings be a consistent presence with every step you take, dear Rinpoche. May we embody your teachings and continue
    to extend to others the amazing variety of antidotes to crazy monkey mind you have given us. Tashi Delek.

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