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Ngondro Resources


Downloadable PDF Files

Great List of Spiritual Biographies [PDF]

Kagyu Refuge tree illustration with description [PDF]

Lines of refuge [PDF]

A short prostration aspiration by Sakya Pandita [PDF]

A Commentary on the The Seven Branch Offering [PDF]

The meaning of the Vajrasattva mantra [PDF]

A short discussion of ‘confession’ and the ‘Four Powers’ [PDF]

An excellent explanation of the ‘Four Powers’ from Mingyur Rinpoche’s new book [PDF]

Mingyur Rinpoche’s discusses ‘The Four Noble Truths and the Four Thoughts’ [PDF]

Excellent teaching on prostrations by the great Lama Gendun Rinpoche [PDF]

Links on Tergar Websites

Ngöndro reading list

Mingyur Rinpoche talks about refuge and the nature of mind in this wonderful video

Some great teachings on our lineage

Links on Other Websites

Biography of the Karma Kagyu lineage

Here’s a lovely teaching of Mingyur Rinpoche’s on the Kagyu Lineage and Guru Yoga.

The 17th Karmapa teaching from the classic Ngondro text "The Torch of Certainty".

Audio Resources

Mingyur Rinpoche talks about how to relate with a guru
10 minutes

Download (Right click, save as)

Tsoknyi Rinpoche talks about refuge
18 minutes

Download (Right click, save as)


Precious guru, I pray to you:

Bless me that I may let go of this mind that fixates on self.

Bless me that renunciation may take birth in my being.

Bless me that unspiritual thoughts may come to an end.

Bless me that I may realize my own mind to be unborn.

Bless me that delusion may be pacified right on the spot.

Bless me that all apparent existence may dawn as dharmakaya.


Any attempt to capture the direct experience of the nature of mind in words is impossible. The best that can be said is that it is immeasurably peaceful and, once stabilized through repeated experience, virtually unshakable. It's an experience of absolute well-being that radiates through all physical, emotional and mental states - even those that might ordinarily be labeled as unpleasant.

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

May 8, 2015

4 responses on "Ngondro Resources"

  1. Thank you Tim!. These are all timely and perfect.

  2. What a great collection of Ngöndro resources. Thank you Tim for posting these.

  3. Bonjour,

    I can’t believe I practiced Vajrasattva meditation for quite a long time without any idea of the meaning of the mantra ! Or maybe I forgot…
    Anyway, reading this translation today is an unexpected and wonderfull gift for I have started the practice again only recently.
    I thank you deeply.
    May I ask, though, for a french translation ?

  4. Incredible ressources for me (28 yo), my brother (25 yo) and sister (20 yo), thank you ! From France

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