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Tergar Local Group Program

Tergar meditation groups work with seven main forms of meditation. Click the numbered links below to view the full program for each practice area. Each PDF file includes an overview, guidance on sitting meditation and meditation in action, suggested readings from Mingyur Rinpoche's books and other written, audio and video resources.

1. Meditating on open awareness and the breath [PDF]

  • The practice of open awareness and the breath
  • Open awareness and the breath in daily life
  • Open awareness and the breath in difficult situations


2. Meditating on basic goodness [PDF]

  • Nurturing the spark of awareness
  • Nurturing the spark of loving-kindness and compassion
  • Nurturing the spark of wisdom


3.    Meditating with the senses [PDF]

  • Meditating with physical sensations
  • Meditating with pain
  • Meditating with movement
  • Meditating with visual objects
  • Meditating with sound
  • Meditating with smell and taste


4. Essential elements of meditation practice [PDF]

  • Forming a compassionate motivation
  • Letting go of expectations
  • Sharing the results of practice with all beings


5.    Meditating with thoughts [PDF]

  • The practice of meditating with thoughts
  • Meditating with thoughts in daily life
  • Meditating with thoughts in difficult situations


6. Meditating with emotions [PDF]

  • The practice of meditating with emotions
  • Meditating with emotions in daily life
  • Meditating with emotions in difficult situations


7. Meditating on loving–kindness and compassion [PDF]

  • Meditating on loving-kindness
  • Meditating on compassion



October 22, 2013

1 responses on "Tergar Local Group Program"

  1. am still new,,, but as far as i am now am so pleased thank u from my heart for ur everything .

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