The Way of the Bodhisattva Course Series
“As long as space endures,
As long as there are beings to be found,
May I continue likewise to remain
To drive away the sorrows of the world.”
— Shantideva
This July marks the launch of a year-long transmission on The Way of the Bodhisattva. This transmission will include a series of courses that provide a unique opportunity to integrate the core elements of the Buddhist path into one’s practice and daily life. During these offerings, Mingyur Rinpoche will give in-depth teachings on The Way of the Bodhisattva, a cherished text by the renowned Indian master Shantideva, making it relevant and accessible for all.
The first of these courses, a six-week “Essence” course, begins on July 1. In it, Mingyur Rinpoche provides an experiential overview of the text, emphasizing its modern-day applications. The three “Immersion” courses that follow explore the text in more detail, addressing the crux of each of its teachings and how they can be applied to your lived experience.
How can we become a true friend for ourselves and others? How can we stay open, responsive, and compassionate without burning out? The bodhisattva path empowers you to navigate life’s challenges and increase not only your own wellbeing, but also that of those around you. Assisted by live events with Mingyur Rinpoche and Khenpo Kunga, recorded teachings by Mingyur Rinpoche, curated readings, and dharma chats and live practice sessions with the course guides, you will learn to see things the way they truly are, and to respond to adversity in skillful ways.
During The Way of the Bodhisattva Series, you will learn:
- techniques for calming the mind, opening the heart, and unlocking your innate wisdom
- about bodhichitta, the heartfelt commitment to help all beings awaken
- instructions for transforming challenges into opportunities for growth
- how to find balance in both your spiritual practice and daily life
- how to see yourself and the world around you more accurately
What courses are included?

The Way of the Bodhisattva: Essence.
Start July 1, 2021
This course imparts the essential instructions on Shantideva’s The Way of the Bodhisattva, and trains the mind in awareness, loving-kindness and compassion, and wisdom in order to deepen and expand these qualities. Mingyur Rinpoche and others will guide you through the essence of Shantideva’s teaching, focusing on how this ancient text can be applied to modern life.

The Way of the Bodhisattva: Immersion — Course 1
Start September 1, 2021
This course demonstrates why The Way of the Bodhisattva came to be one of the most treasured texts of the Buddhist tradition. It focuses on giving rise to and strengthening bodhichitta, the heartfelt commitment to help all beings awaken, and includes techniques for cultivating mindfulness and introspection, all with the aim of making the practices relevant to your own life today.

The Way of the Bodhisattva: Immersion — Course 2
Starts January 15, 2022
This course explores the themes of patience, joyful effort, and meditative concentration. It is particularly dedicated to the application of wisdom in both your meditation practice and your daily life.

The Way of the Bodhisattva: Immersion — Course 3
Starts April 15, 2022
This course focuses exclusively on the truth of emptiness and the wisdom in seeing things the way they actually are. Mingyur Rinpoche’s teachings on this aspect of the text go beyond the theoretical and hone in on the experiential.
course EXCERPT
We All Can Do It
We all have innate basic goodness and wonderful qualities and skills, and if we make an effort, we can do anything.
The Way of the Bodhisattva Course Series is included as part of your monthly subscription to Vajrayana Online. Visit Vajrayana Online to learn more.
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Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone.
If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially,
please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate.
We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets,
and for the monastic community.
Do you want to know more about The Way of the Bodhisattva Transmission?
If you want to learn more about this transmission, please visit The Way of the Bodhisattva Transmission page