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Voices of Tantra

“Simply put,
the vajrayana trains in awareness of the true nature,
such that all falsity collapses.”

— Khandro Rinpoche


Voices of Tantra includes a range of live elements, featuring leading voices in Vajrayana Buddhism speaking on major themes of the Vajrayana such as the imagination, subtle body, and sadhana practice. In addition, Tergar guides will provide further instruction through live Dharma Chats, guided meditations, and discussion forums, with an emphasis on how the teachings of Vajrayana Buddhism can be implemented in today’s world. This course is an excellent way to gather as a community to begin exploring this profound tradition!


course dates

This course was presented July 23‒August 31, 2022 and remains available as part of a Vajrayana Online subscription.

who can take this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course. It is appropriate for practitioners of all levels.


Inaugurating the The Heart of Tantra transmission, Voices of Tantra offers a rare opportunity to hear from renowned practitioners and teachers in the Vajrayana tradition and lays the foundation for our exploration this year.


This course includes:

  • A series of interviews and webinars highlighting key points of Vajrayana Buddhism
  • Dharma Chats
  • Practices sessions


Mingyur Rinpoche

Available Now

Born in 1975 in the border region between Tibet and Nepal, Mingyur Rinpoche was drawn to a life of contemplation at a young age. He spent many years of his childhood in strict retreat and studied with some of the greatest masters in living memory. Today he attends to the monasteries under his care and is head of the Tergar Meditation Community, supporting students in more than thirty countries.

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

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A disciple of His Eminence the 8th Khamtrul Rinpoche, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo was one of the first Westerners to be ordained as a Tibetan Buddhist monastic. She also spent twelve years in solitary retreat in a cave in the Himalayas, as detailed in her biography Cave in the Snow. Tenzin Palmo currently spends most of the year at the nunnery she has founded, Dongyu Gatsal Ling.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Available Now

For over three decades, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche’s brother, has been teaching students worldwide about the innermost nature of mind in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and is particularly committed to supporting female practitioners. Widely recognized as an outstanding meditation teacher, he is the author of many books including Open Heart Open Mind, Carefree Dignity, and Fearless Simplicity.

Sarah Harding

Available Now

Sarah Harding has been studying and practicing Buddhism since 1974, and she has been teaching and translating since completing a three-year retreat in 1980 under the guidance of Kyabjé Kalu Rinpoche. She was associate professor at Naropa University for twenty-five years in Boulder, Colorado, where she currently resides, and has been a fellow of the Tsadra Foundation since 2000.

Khenpo Kunga

Available Now

At fifteen, Khenpo Kunga spent three years in retreat mastering the contemplative practices of the Kagyu lineage. Later, he studied at the renowned Dzongsar monastic college for eleven years and received his Khenpo degree. In recent years, he has taught in Asia, Europe, and the United States as one of the main teachers for the worldwide network of Tergar monasteries and meditation centers.

Tim Olmsted and Kunsang Palmo

A 1-hour wrap-up session open to Q&A with course guides Tsunma Kunsang Palmo and Tim Olmsted, including an introduction to the next course, The Heart of Tantra: Essence.


This course and other courses in Vajrayana Online are included as part of your monthly subscription to Vajrayana Online for as long as you remain subscribed. Visit Vajrayana Online to learn more.

Subscribe to Vajrayana Online

All of our courses are available on demand and included in your subscription. You can join the course at any time and engage with the materials at your own pace. For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged.
For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.

You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged.
For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.

Do you want to know more about The Heart of Tantra?

If you want to learn more about this transmission, please visit The Heart of Tantra Transmission page.