Join Mingyur Rinpoche as he kicks off the new transmission with Buddhist Psychology: Mind Explained. REGISTER FREE!.

Nature of Mind Mandala

Untainted by forced, conceptual meditation,
Unmoved by the winds of mundane distractions,
Knowing how to rest naturally and uncontrived in our basic nature,
May we master maintaining the experience of the nature of mind.

— Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje from The Aspiration Prayer of Mahamudra


The Nature of Mind Mandala is a community of practitioners dedicated to exploring the profound traditions of Mahamudra and Dzogchen. Rooted in Mingyur Rinpoche’s experiential approach, the resources found here are intended to nurture your understanding of the nature of mind and help you connect with other practitioners. Most of these materials are connected to Vajrayana Online courses. Remember, there is no right way to explore these resources. We encourage you to follow your intuition, ask questions, and engage with your fellow community members in whatever way that suits your needs.



Are you looking for support in your exploration of the nature of mind? Do you yearn for a space where you can clarify and deepen your experience of these profound teachings? If so, the Nature of Mind Mandala is the perfect place for you. Drawing from centuries of Tibetan Buddhist inspiration, the nature of mind traditions form the core of Mingyur Rinpoche’s teachings. The vision of this community space is to provide a unique opportunity to interact with Mingyur Rinpoche himself and senior Tergar guides, as well as fellow students from around the world, as you explore these transformative teachings.


Recorded teachings from Mingyur Rinpoche

  • Live Dharma Chats with Vajrayana Online guides
  • Guided meditations with Vajrayana Online guides
  • Curated resources
  • Instructions for applying the nature of mind in daily life


The prerequisites for joining the Nature of Mind Mandala are:

  • Option 1: To have attended any in-person Tergar Path of Liberation Level 2 retreat with Mingyur Rinpoche or Khenpo Kunga.
  • Option 2: To have received ngondro transmission and nature of mind pointing out from a qualified lineage holder, and have at least 5 years of regular meditation practice.

Questions about the prerequisites? Contact [email protected]

* You must fill out a form to verify that you meet the prerequisites after subscribing to Vajrayana Online.

Subscribe to Vajrayana Online

All of our courses are available on demand and included in your subscription. You can join the course at any time and engage with the materials at your own pace. For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged.
For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.

You will make the first payment after the free trial period. The subscription will automatically be renewed in accordance to the frequency you have selected. You can unsubscribe anytime, and no additional fees will be charged.
For more questions about the subscription, please visit our FAQs section.

Tergar is committed to making the benefits of Buddhist teachings and practices available to everyone. If the subscription rate of $25 USD per month is a hindrance for you financially, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via [email protected] to ask for a further reduced rate. We offer financial assistance rates for certain countries, for students with limited budgets, and for the monastic community.